
Casual Friday: AnalyzeWords, or The Twitter Peppy-meter


Happy bunnies 'n baskets weekend!  This Friday we bring you the really fun love child of instantaneous-colorful-chart-generators and Twitter.  It’s called AnalyzeWords, and it was developed by a team of researchers headed by professors at the Universities of Auckland and Texas.  Using a program called Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count, they analyze junk pronoun words (which it turns out aren’t really junk) as amalgamated over a big swath of tweets, to figure out a communicator’s psychological state. To play simply add the twitter handle of your entity du jour, click Analyze Tweets, and voila, immediately you have three spiffy little chart clusters categorized by Emotional Style, Social Style, and Thinking Style.  As you can see from the picture, @JetBlue is quite chipper!  Now if only it would also work when I submit the phone number of that cute guy I met at the gym yesterday…