Change your world view


FedEx has created an amazing maps site that shows how different data shapes the world. The maps actually morph on the screen. The countries change in size relative to the data represented so you get a visual representation of how much impact the information has on on each country. You can see the Exports by country for 2008, then watch as the map changes to show labor productivity, and then see the map morph into how the world looks based on predicted exports for 2030.  It also has maps that represent data on energy sources, education, access to information through different media streams, happiness index of counties, and even couch potatoes (physical inactivity along with TV and beer imports). The maps are interactive and allow scroll over so you can see the actual numbers for each country.

Some interesting tidbits:

  • Iceland might actually be the happiest place on earth
  • China recycles the most paper
  • 80% of Qatar's population works overseas

But, it's not the factoids that make the site so cool, it is watching the maps change and seeing the comparisons in country size based on the data. It's addictive. These maps would be an excellent addition to a presentation. The data is gathered from different government agencies and all sourced  by the Economist Intelligence Unit.

This video map represents forest cover for the world: